
Showing posts from January, 2019

Women of Faith Conference 2019!

Looking to register for our conference?  Please read more below or Click "Conference Registration" at the top of the Home page Dr. Veirdre Jackson O ur guest speaker is the founder/ CEO of Living Strong Consulting, LLC.   Dr. Jackson hopes to encourage women to "Be Limitless in 2019" with her talk entitled: Living on Purpose For Him. " God is not looking for  perfect  women in their purpose. He wants passionate women in pursuit of Him, living ON Purpose for Him. With God’s hand of power on her life defined by passion, she will not want to miss any opportunity to experience the greatness of her God." Living on Purpose For Him a one day women's conference Saturday, March 30, 2019 Ocean City Tabernacle Welcome and coffee 8:30 am Program is 9 am -3:30 pm $20  (LUNCH INCLUDED) To Register through Eventbrite  Please Click HERE  Deadline to register is Marc...

Be Limitless in 2019

In ten words or less describe the season you are in right now. Yes... Actually, put pen to paper and write it down. Depending on what you wrote, it is either the catalyst or the chokehold to your opportunity for growth and abundant living. Right now! Perception... If an impala can leap 10 feet high and 30 feet wide, how is it contained behind zoo walls? It ONLY LEAPS if it can see where it will land. So the limitations to it's ability to "live free" are self imposed not situational. And are controlled by the mindset he/she gives into. And how he/she sees or perceives the possibilities. Take another look. Take the leap. As a woman pursuing the heart of a limitless God, it becomes imperative to leap and overcome defeating mindsets of fear, doubt and brokenness in order to access all that God has for her in a life of bold freedom offered in abundance. Recognizing He will give her the strength needed to accomplish a purpose for Him that is incomprehensible ...